usually my thrifting trips are mostly about clothes for the kids than anything else- they're small & cheap & usually not worn out yet since wee ones outgrow their clothes so quickly [often you can even find things brand new with tags!] but the other day, i stopped by our little local student share shop [like a thrift shop only available to students] & found a petite haul of crafty goodness!
the chalkboard, though small & unassuming, i'm super excited about for taking pictures like these, probably at birthdays or with a love note on anniversaries or to send far-away relatives fun photo messages in the mail [or even email!] this is my friend nancy ray's amazing photography site, just scroll down until you see the super cute photo booth-style photos with the chalkboard messages.
i know they're only like $1 brand new, but $1 saved is $1 that makes you not mind if the item ends up sitting in your craft room supply stash until you have almost completely forgotten what you were going to use it for.
hopefully that's not just me.
when i saw a lovely pile of large-ish white frames at goodwill a few weeks back, i could immediately think of 3 maybe 4 projects i wanted to do with them... & at the nice size of just a little bigger than 11x14, they were irresistable at $1.50 each! so i snapped up half a dozen, thinking that if all else failed, i could paint them all black, get some photos in there & then add them either to the black & white wall in our dining room or create a little gallery wall where all the frames are the same size & look beautiful.
they're not the most high-quality frames of course [& the terrible fruit prints will have to go!] but once they're painted or crafted into something else altogether & up on the wall, i won't even know the difference! 3 of them [i think] are headed for the boy-nursery-on-progress, definitely one to the guest bathroom, & possibly the other 2 are headed for big sister's new big girl room.
yay! can't wait to get these little guys into their next incarnation & show you!
when i saw a lovely pile of large-ish white frames at goodwill a few weeks back, i could immediately think of 3 maybe 4 projects i wanted to do with them... & at the nice size of just a little bigger than 11x14, they were irresistable at $1.50 each! so i snapped up half a dozen, thinking that if all else failed, i could paint them all black, get some photos in there & then add them either to the black & white wall in our dining room or create a little gallery wall where all the frames are the same size & look beautiful.
yay! can't wait to get these little guys into their next incarnation & show you!