
thrifty goodness!

in addition to the little red rainboots, i've had some good luck with thrifting recently that i'm pretty excited about!

usually my thrifting trips are mostly about clothes for the kids than anything else- they're small & cheap & usually not worn out yet since wee ones outgrow their clothes so quickly [often you can even find things brand new with tags!] but the other day, i stopped by our little local student share shop [like a thrift shop only available to students] & found a petite haul of crafty goodness!
the amazing thing about the student shop is that it's free- what better way to satiate a need to craft than with free materials? guilt-free.
the two letters most likely originally spelled out 'baby' but i figured i could use both since our last name starts with a b. i'm thinking one for the new baby nursery & possibly one for a spring front porch wreath!

the chalkboard, though small & unassuming, i'm super excited about for taking pictures like these, probably at birthdays or with a love note on anniversaries or to send far-away relatives fun photo messages in the mail [or even email!] this is my friend nancy ray's amazing photography site, just scroll down until you see the super cute photo booth-style photos with the chalkboard messages.

i know they're only like $1 brand new, but $1 saved is $1 that makes you not mind if the item ends up sitting in your craft room supply stash until you have almost completely forgotten what you were going to use it for.

hopefully that's not just me.

when i saw a lovely pile of large-ish white frames at goodwill a few weeks back, i could immediately think of 3 maybe 4 projects i wanted to do with them... & at the nice size of just a little bigger than 11x14, they were irresistable at $1.50 each! so i snapped up half a dozen, thinking that if all else failed, i could paint them all black, get some photos in there & then add them either to the black & white wall in our dining room or create a little gallery wall where all the frames are the same size & look beautiful.
they're not the most high-quality frames of course [& the terrible fruit prints will have to go!] but once they're painted or crafted into something else altogether & up on the wall, i won't even know the difference! 3 of them [i think] are headed for the boy-nursery-on-progress, definitely one to the guest bathroom, & possibly the other 2 are headed for big sister's new big girl room.

yay! can't wait to get these little guys into their next incarnation & show you!


booty goodness.

no, not that kind of booty. ahem.

these little boots just happened to hop in my basket at goodwill the other day... originally intended for baby brother when he was still on the way here.
$4 later they came home with us and though they were super cute up on the big brown dresser in his nursery in progress, the minute they were on toddler-level, look what happened:
yep! hijacked by big sister. she just can't help herself- she's crazy about boots. here's more proof:
these ones weren't thrifted [the hat was!] but rather bought brand-new in desperation at the threat of snow. the pom poms on the back are only slightly adorable & what 2 year old doesn't need pink boots?
this pair is truly vintage- handed down from me when i was her age, circa the early '80s. anytime she can get her hands on them, they go straight on her feet [even if she's not wearing anything else, obviously.] i just love how much she loves them!

not that we're wishing for rainy days necessarily, but what could be more cheerful than little red rainboots? too cute.


thing 2!

i'm excited to say that our little thing 2 has finally arrived! we barely made it to the hospital in time & he was almost born in the hallway... but he's here safely & big sister is elated! [read the full story here!]
finnegan walker

i'm trying to live through these early constant-nursing days & catching up on sleep when i can, but my list of little boy crafts is waiting in the wings!


strawberry pillows.

i can't even stand how cute these strawberry pillows are over at purl bee!
these are at the very tippy top of my to-make list for after i've survived some of the newborn days. they are so sweet, so springy & so perfect for a certain little girl's pink & green big girl room. love them.

if you're feeling a little more mini-version, v & co. has a great how-to for a pincushion sized one & you wouldn't even have to use it for a pincushion... i think it would be adorable as a zipper pull to cheer up a little springtime rain jacket!


custom hairbow holders!

remember my hairbow holder tutorial from several weeks ago? i made it for my niece as a christmas gift & it turns out there are other precious small people in need of a special spot for their hairbows. and luckily, two lovely ladies in need of gifts for such small people emailed me about a custom order!

here's the original hairbow holder i made for my niece:
i have to say that custom orders are pretty much one of my favorite things ever. i love the personal contact & getting to plan a handmade adornment to exact specifications. soooo much fun to creatively collaborate!

my absolute favorite part... the dots around the edge [& a little glimpse to my simple secret for perfect dot-making]:
they were both based on bedding sets that my two lovely friends wanted to match for gifts [the 3rd was an extra.] it was so much fun to pick up the custom colors & designing it all out:
matching up the perfect ribbons:
and here they are all finished!
oh the fun little details!
is there a small somebody in your life in need of a customized hairbow holder? email me & let me know! i would love to make one just for you!